PURPOSE The purpose of Water Softening is to reduce hardness, silica and other contaminants in water streams destined for use as Boiler Feed Water. LEARNING OBJECTIVES State the purpose of Water Softening in the SAGD process, Describe and explain the pH Scale, Define an ion, anion, cation, ionic compound, and salts. Explain the relationship between pH and the solubility of…
PURPOSE The purpose of the Well Design chapter is to examine the factors that influence SAGD well positioning, and describe a typical SAGD well completion. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Explain the main factors that determine SAGD well positioning, State typical ranges for separation distances between the horizontal runs of injector and producer wells, and between the well pairs, State the purpose of…
PURPOSE The purpose of the Well Life Cycle chapter is to describe the start-up, plateau and decline phases of a SAGD well, and examine the factors influencing steam chamber growth and evolution. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Describe what SAGD is and how it works, Define the SAGD start-up, operational and decline phases, Describe steam and produced fluid flows through the wells during…
In the Contendo Fundamentals of SAGD Well Pads course, you will learn how high pressure steam is used to recover heavy bitumen to the surface, how lift gas enhances this recovery, and how the produced fluids are separated into liquid and gas components for transportation to the SAGD processing facility.
PURPOSE The purpose of the Well Pair Control System is to control the flows of high pressure steam and produced fluids at the well pairs. LEARNING OBJECTIVES State the purpose of the Well Pair Control System. Describe the controls that regulate steam flow to the injector wells. Describe the instrumentation that monitors conditions at the injector wells. Explain the two…
PURPOSE The purpose of the Well Testing System is to calculate the amounts of oil, gas and water recovered by individual Producer Wells. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Describe how a producer well is lined up to the Test Separator for a test. Explain the Test Separator purging process, and its purpose, Name the parameters measured during a well test, Explain how each…