SAGD Oil Sands Online
(Full Package)
Process Education for Canadian Oil & Gas Workers
This is only fully animated process education course explaining the theory & operating principles of a complete SAGD facility.
Education & Training Based on Process Operation
Contendo’s SAGD Oil Sands Online is the only fully animated presentation of SAGD process construction & operation available.
Simply put, no one else does what Contendo has been doing for over a decade; we turn process drawings into process actions.
While SAGD Oil Sands Online teaches some theory, it is focused on the operation of the various processes typical of SAGD facilities.
The student is shown how a scientific theory or law of physics is applied using moving flows of gases & liquids in piping, tanks & vessels.
The student will also see the effects of typical system shutdowns caused by out-of-range conditions, such as a low tank level alarm triggering the control system to stop several downstream pumps.
Safety features, warnings, and typical PSV locations are included so the student can appreciate process hazards and how they are handled.
Each training Module includes a downloadable PDF Worksheet to fill in as the module is viewed, Review Sections to reinforce clearly defined Learning Objectives, & Online Testing, which is automatically scored & recorded.
Contendo’s SAGD Oil Sands Online curriculum was written by experienced industry engineers & technicians to give students a great base of knowledge to work in Oil & Gas generally, and SAGD Oil Sands production specifically.
Each Course focuses on a Process Area & includes multiple Modules

SAGD Well Pads Course
The SAGD Well Pads Course explains how specialized SAGD Well Pairs, consisting of 1 Injector & 1 Producer Well, are operated to recover bitumen. High-pressure steam is injected into an oil sands reservoir & an emulsion of bitumen, water & gas is recovered to the surface. The animation takes the student underground, to where the actual SAGD process occurs.
Beginning with how the oil sands formed & the development of oil production methods, the discussion includes SAGD Well Pair design & operation, steam chamber development, artificial lift methods & surface processing equipment.
Bitumen Processing Course
The Bitumen Processing Course explains how water, gases & other contaminants are removed from the bitumen stream, how the clean bitumen is diluted to maintain a density & viscosity profile & how the mixture of bitumen & diluent is stabilized to Sales Oil quality.
The course also follows the Produced Gas processing train, which receives all gas removed from the recovered emulsion, as well as describing the facility Blanket Gas & Purge Gas systems, Vapour Recovery systems & Flare systems.

Produced Water De-Oiling Course
The Produced Water De-Oiling Course explains how oily water separated from the recovered hydrocarbon liquids & gas is progressively cleaned of oil droplets & other contaminants through a series of oil removing sub-processes that yield de-oiled water.
The water is then softening & treated for use as Boiler feed Water in the steam generation unit.
The course discusses topics such as gravity separation, oil skimming operations, Induced Gas Flotation & Oil Removal Filters. It also includes a full description of a Hot Lime Softener Unit with all periphery sub-processes.
Water Treatment Course
The Water Treatment Course focuses on Boiler Feed Water treating, the steam generation operations of a SAGD facility & Once Through Steam Generators (OTSG).
The discussion follows clean water through Ion Exchange water softening & chemical treating processes to the Boiler Feed Water system. Other topics include the operation of an OTSG Unit, high-pressure steam separators & condensate recovery.
The discussion also explains how good heat management can let down high-pressure steam to medium-pressure, low-pressure & utility steam while using the high-pressure steam as a heating medium.