PURPOSE The purpose of the Treater system is to remove residual moisture from wet dilbit and recycled off-spec sales oil, to meet the sales oil specification for water. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Describe the purpose of the Treater system. Describe the purpose of the Treater Feed Cooler. Describe why two chambers are required in an electrostatic treater. Explain why degassing chamber pressure…
PURPOSE The purpose of this chapter is to examine treater design and operating principles. LEARNING OBJECTIVES State the purpose of the Treater system. Describe a typical emulsion entering the Treater. Describe the dilbit leaving the Treater. Describe two types of Treaters. Explain how the effect of an electrostatic field on a water droplet enhances the coalescence process. Name two types…
PURPOSE The purpose of the Skim Oil Handling system is to receive all oil skimmed from the Skim Tank and Recycle Tank, and to transfer the oil to the Slop Tank for reprocessing. LEARNING OBJECTIVES State the purpose of the Skim Oil handling system, State the two sources of skimmed oil transferred by the Skim Oil Pump, And, describe the…
PURPOSE The purpose of the Skim Tank is to act as the primary gravity separation vessel in the Produced Water De-oiling train, providing retention time to separate the oil and water phases in the Oily Produced Water. LEARNING OBJECTIVES State the purpose of the Skim Tank. State the relationship between the separation rate and the size of the droplets to…
PURPOSE The purpose of the Slop Tank is to collect a number of possible feed streams that are high in oil or chemical content, as well as interface emulsions, and to hold these liquids so that gravity separation of the water and oil can occur. LEARNING OBJECTIVES State the purpose of the Slop Tank, Describe the possible sources and types…
PURPOSE The purpose of a Steam Trap is to remove condensate and gases from steam lines, steam heaters and separators, with negligible loss of live steam. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Define water hammer and steam hammer, and explain why they must be avoided. State the purpose of a stream trap. List the three primary categories of steam traps. Describe the basic operating…
PURPOSE The purpose of the Test Separator is to separate the produced emulsion from an individual well into liquid and vapor phases for Well Testing. LEARNING OBJECTIVES State the purpose of the Test Separator. Describe how wells are lined up to the Test Separator. Describe how the liquid level within the Test Separator is maintained. Explain how the Test Separator…
PURPOSE The purpose of the VRU Compressor and Discharge handling system is to compress the collected hydrocarbon vapors, to separate the streams components for reuse, and to reduce the amount sent to Flare. LEARNING OBJECTIVES State the purpose of the VRU Compressor, Describe the VRU Compressor Ring Water supply loop, Describe how the VRU Compressor is prevented from drawing a…
PURPOSE The purpose of hydrocarbon Vapor Recovery from the SAGD process is to recover as much of the usable hydrocarbon vapors vented from the CPF process vessels as possible, to compress the vapors for reuse, and to reduce the amount sent to Flare. LEARNING OBJECTIVES State the purpose of Vapor Recovery from the SAGD process, State the sources of the…
PURPOSE The purpose of the Weak Acid Cation Softener package is to provide boiler feed water quality water by removing calcium and magnesium hardness. Steam generator boiler feed water specifications typically require less than 0.1 parts per million of total dissolved hardness. LEARNING OBJECTIVES State the purpose of the Weak Acid Cation softener package, List the conditions that may indicate…
PURPOSE The purpose of the Weak Acid Cation Softener package is to provide boiler feed water quality water by removing calcium and magnesium hardness. Steam generator boiler feed water specifications typically require less than 0.1 parts per million of total dissolved hardness. LEARNING OBJECTIVES State the purpose of the Weak Acid Cation softener package. Explain why water from the Hot…
PURPOSE The purpose of the Warm Lime Softener is to remove Hardness, Silica, other suspended solids, and trace Oil from water destined for use as Boiler Feed Water. LEARNING OBJECTIVES State the purpose of the Warm Lime Softener, Name three main differences between a Hot and Warm Lime Softener, Describe the basic operating parameters of the Warm Lime Softener, Name…