PURPOSE The purpose of this chapter is to examine treater design and operating principles. LEARNING OBJECTIVES State the purpose of the Treater system. Describe a typical emulsion entering the Treater. Describe the dilbit leaving the Treater. Describe two types of Treaters. Explain how the effect of an electrostatic field on a water droplet enhances the coalescence process. Name two types…
PURPOSE The purpose of the Slop Tank is to collect a number of possible feed streams that are high in oil or chemical content, as well as interface emulsions, and to hold these liquids so that gravity separation of the water and oil can occur. LEARNING OBJECTIVES State the purpose of the Slop Tank, Describe the possible sources and types…
PURPOSE The purpose of the VRU Compressor and Discharge handling system is to compress the collected hydrocarbon vapors, to separate the streams components for reuse, and to reduce the amount sent to Flare. LEARNING OBJECTIVES State the purpose of the VRU Compressor, Describe the VRU Compressor Ring Water supply loop, Describe how the VRU Compressor is prevented from drawing a…
PURPOSE The purpose of hydrocarbon Vapor Recovery from the SAGD process is to recover as much of the usable hydrocarbon vapors vented from the CPF process vessels as possible, to compress the vapors for reuse, and to reduce the amount sent to Flare. LEARNING OBJECTIVES State the purpose of Vapor Recovery from the SAGD process, State the sources of the…